Learn how our God brought us to this point on our journey
Our hearts are knit to the Peruvian People

Born on May 31, 1984 in Wooster, Ohio, Aaron Cochrell was raised in rural Ohio. He grew up on a farm working alongside his dad. At age 5, he came to understand who God was and what God had done for Him. One night after church Aaron was talking with his mom, and she led him to the Lord. He enjoyed working with his hands which he was able to do on the farm and in the church. He took advantage of any ministry opportunity provided him in his local church.
Aaron went to public high school where he was involved in a Fellowship of Christian Students group. Aaron was in charge or this group for two years, led the Bible studies and organized the activities. After his Sophomore year of high school, he went on a missions trip with his youth group to Salt Lake City, Utah. This trip gave him opportunities to be involved in ministry in a camp setting and take part in street evangelization leading up to the Olympics. This experience was life changing as he realized that there were individuals in the United States who were blinded from the truth of the Gospel. Aaron came away from this trip awakened to the realization of the need to share the Gospel.
The next three summers Aaron worked at Skyview Ranch in Millersburg, Ohio. The first two summers he worked on the maintenance crew during the day and was able to help a counselor in the evenings. The evenings were a great experience as he was exposed to reaching out to kids and seeing God challenge and change young men. The two summers Aaron spent on the maintenance staff were great times of doing what he loved, and seeing God work. He wanted to be stretched and returned to Skyview for his third year as a counselor. The Lord gave him the opportunity to lead one teenager to the Lord! Two other teenagers gave their lives to the Lord and one returned five years later as a counselor at Skyview.
After high school, Aaron attended Piedmont Baptist College in North Carolina. After completing two years in the missions program, he went on the ARRIBA! Program with Baptist Mid-Mission to Peru. This eleven month internship program allowed Aaron to study the Spanish language and minister in local churches with missionaries and Peruvians. He grew in the Lord that year as his eyes were opened to missions work overseas. That year also knit Aaronʼs heart to the Peruvians and the work God was doing there. He returned to Piedmont desiring to return if the Lord allowed.
During his junior year, Aaron met Stephenie at Piedmont and in December of 2008 they were married. They took a survey trip together to Peru in August of 2010 for two months. This trip allowed them to see together the specific area and people with whom God would have them to work.
Stephenie Cochrell was born into a Christian home in Berrian Center, MI. She was saved at the age of four as a result of the teaching of the Gospel by a Sunday School teacher. She was baptized at Community Baptist Church, Edwardsburg, MI, at age eight and has enjoyed serving the Lord.
Stephenie and her family moved to LaPorte, IN, and later joined Evergreen Baptist Church. She was home-schooled, so she had opportunities to minister in ways that other high schoolers could not. Stephenie involved herself in many ministries such as cleaning the church, AWANA, VBS, nursery, puppet team, and Child Evangelism Fellowship. The Lord gave her a servantʼs heart and she desired to use it to bring honor to the Lord. Stephenie always had an interest in missions. She enjoyed having missionaries come to her church and getting to know them. The Lord began to soften her heart toward full time service.
When she was about 13, Stephenie attended Twin Lakes Camp in central IN for a week of leadership camp. During a chapel session, the missionary speaker challenged students to surrender to the Lord whatever He wanted for their lives. Stephenie responded to this message and dedicated her life to serving the Lord, regardless of where that would take her.
After high school, Stephenie had an opportunity to go to Brazil for seven months where God allowed her to tutor the 14 year old son of a missionary couple. Stephenie helped with the cooking and cleaning, and also started a puppet ministry in the local church. While in Brazil, Stephenie heard about Piedmont Baptist College. When she returned to the States, she researched the college and started attending in the fall. She graduated in December of 2010.
At Piedmont, Stephenie met Aaron and they were married in December of 2008. They live in Winston-Salem, NC, and attend Grace Baptist Temple. Aaron and Stephenie were AWANA leaders for a year and led a college ministry for over a year.
In August of 2010, Aaron and Stephenie took a survey trip to Peru and sensed that God is leading them to the Cusco region. God allowed them to raise all of their support for Peru in just a little over two years. They have been serving at missionaries in Peru since August of 2013.
Since Marriage
We met at Piedmont and were then married in December of 2008. After getting married, they lived in Winston-Salem, NC, and attended Grace Baptist Church. We were AWANA leaders and also led a college ministry. In August of 2010, we traveled to Peru and felt that God was leading them there. The Lord was directing us to be Church Planters in the Cusco region.
In January of 2011, we began raising support return to Peru full-time. This was both a challenging and special time. A challenging time because we had to learn trust God more. But a special time of watching God provide as we visited churches, shared our burden for Peru, and so clearly saw God’s hand of protection and provision. On September 5, 2012, we welcomed our first son, Joel Daniel, into the family. After 2½ years of raising support, we arrived in Lima, Peru in August of 2013. Our first responsibility was to begin language school. We were there for 14 months studying and learning Spanish. At the end of this time, God gave us our second child Elizabeth.We moved to the region of Cusco when Liz was just 6 weeks old. We arrived in a town outside the city of Cusco in October of 2014 to work in a church plant.
There we remained in the church plant 2½ years to help them call a pastor and transition the church to Peruvian leadership. At the end of our first term, we welcomed Levi who was born in February of 2017. It was at this time we wrapped up our first 4 years in Peru and headed to the U.S. to begin our first furlough. We were stateside from March of 2017 until April of 2018. Our second term goals in Peru revolved around starting a new church in the city of Cusco. This burden prompted us to share the need to raise funds for the future home of this church. God wondrously provided as we saw met and exceeded the
financial goal in these twelve months! We saw so clearly how God was leading us back to Peru and we left excited about what He had in store for us. For four years we stayed faithful to doing outreach, discipleship, training of leaders, and so much more! The Strong Rock Baptist Church was born as a result of God’s leading and how He used our gifts and abilities to teach many. The greatest blessing was seeing our Peruvian coworkers excited about the work and willingly taking on ministry responsibilities. The church would not be what it is today if it weren’t for their help and encouragement. We left the church in two Peruvian couples capable hands and returned
to the U.S. for our second furlough in April of 2022.